I woke up this morning thinking about the last days of Jesus' earthly ministry. I know He's touched with the feelings of our infirmities. His Word says so. But this morning I saw that He also understands the pressures of deadlines, due dates, and crowded schedules. And it flooded my soul with a fresh appreciation for His power and ability to help in my times of chaos and tight schedules.
There is no doubt that He knew what lay before Him. While He was God in flesh dwelling among us, He was also aware that the clock was ticking. Reviewing the sheer amount of material He poured into His disciples during those last days, (not to mention the activities He undertook,) reveals His sense of urgency. That last week was not about rest, rest would come with the joy - later.
Calvary did not take Jesus by surprise. What's more, He did not want it to take the disciples by surprise either. He'd chosen them carefully and knew the end from the beginning. Thus, He went to great lengths to prepare His disciples for what was to come. (See Matthew 16:21; 20:17-19; Luke 18:31-34.) That they began to understand, albeit belatedly, is demonstrated by how much space each of the gospel writers devote to the events surrounding Calvary. Little clues and pieces of the puzzle they missed the first time around, became much clearer in hindsight.
John places the resurrection of Lazarus within that last week, saying how the whole city was buzzing with excitement over Lazarus being raised from the dead. They wanted to see Lazarus, talk to Lazarus, touch Lazarus. Simon the leper hosted a supper where Jesus, His disciples, and Lazarus were the honored guests. During this supper, Mary (Lazarus' sister,) took a pound of spikenard ointment and anointed Jesus' feet, wiping them with her hair. Jesus identified her devotion as being related to His death and burial, once again saying plainly that His death was iminent.
Here's a partial list of events of that final week and the 50 days following... What a schedule! Within fifty-six days, (one week before Calvary plus the seven weeks following,) old things passed away and all things became new!
- The resurrection of Lazarus
- The supper at Simon's house in which Mary anoints Jesus' feet
- The council of the chief priests and Pharisees
- Preparations for the triumphal entry
- The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
- The 2nd cleansing of the temple
- The fig tree's curse
- Face-off with the chief priests and elders
- Woes pronounced
- The Greeks come to Philip saying, "Sir, we would see Jesus."
- The Voice from heaven
- Discourse on the Mount of Olives
- Judas Iscariot agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
- Preparing for Passover
- The last supper; footwashing, Peter protests; then communion, Judas leaves...
- Jesus' final discourse and prayer for His disciples
- Gethsemane
- The betrayal, the abandonment
- The trial; priests, Pilate, Herod, then Pilate again
- Peter's denial
- The flogging
- Barabbas released
- The procession to Calvary
- Calvary - the crucifixion; mockers, repentant thief, sun darkened, earthquake, veil rent, "It is finished!" (Jesus' side pierced, legs not broken)
- The Burial in Joseph of Arimethea's new tomb
- Disiples hiding in fear
- One week ends - New week begins
- Resurrection! - Jesus shows Himself alive to the women, the 2 on the road to Emmaeus, the disciples Thomas, and a crowd of 500 plus, over a period of 40 days (with many infallible proofs).
- The Ascension (Acts 1)
- Ten days later - Pentecost outpoured as the Church is born! (Acts 2)
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