In the Bible, when the word, determined is used, the thing is set. When God determines a thing, it will be accomplished. Every Bible prophecy confirms this truth.
Because God gave man a free will, when man determines to do an evil thing, he will do it, unless God intervenes. For instance, Saul was determined to kill David, but the God-inspired intervention of Jonathan spared David’s life. In so doing, Jonathan became an example of self-sacrifice and true friendship.
Immediately after Amnon’s assault on his sister, (Tamar,) Absalom determined to kill him and waited years for the chance to carry out his plan. For Amnon there was no intervention – the law of sowing and reaping was in full force.
It is also possible and praiseworthy to be determined to do good.
- Solomon determined to build a house for the Lord. (II Chronicles 2:1)
- Jesus was determined to go to Calvary. (Luke 9:51; 22:22)
- The church in Antioch determined to send relief to Judea. (Acts 11:29)
- The Apostle Paul was "determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." (I Corinthians 2:2)
This kind of determination caused Jonathan to recognize the anointing on David’s life and to deal with his own will and desires by blessing and helping David. This kind of determination helped Jesus ("the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame…") complete the course set before Him.
In the flesh, determination is dangerous. It can separate friends. Barnabas’ determination to take John Mark caused a long-term rift between himself and Paul. Unbridled determination easily crosses the line into self-will. Cain insisted his sacrifice was sufficient. His way led to stubbornness, rebellion, murder, insolence and banishment.
The Jews’ determination to see Jesus crucified was stronger than Pilate’s determination to let Him go. Their determination amounted to rebellion against God. Pilate’s determination was merely political. He knew their accusations were spawned from envy; yet, under their pressure and despite urgent warnings, Pilate traipsed out onto thin ice… It was only a matter of time before he caved in and was drying himself off, crying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just man."
By dropping an "e" and adding a "t", another word is formed... and determine becomes detriment, which is damage, harm or loss, or, something that causes damage, harm or loss. Without determination, one cannot achieve their goal. Thus, a lack of determination is a detriment and leads to defeat and failure.
When it comes to spiritual things, strong determination can make one bold and hold him steady. It can also thrust detrimental things out of the way. Daniel and the three Hebrew children purposed in their hearts (determined) not to defile themselves by eating the king’s food. Because of their determination, they proposed a ten-day trial. At the end of the ten days, when they were in better shape than those who were eating from the king’s table, all opposition evaporated.
We need the kind of determination that makes us stand fast, holding to the profession of our faith. It’s time to re-evaluate and re-commit ourselves. It is high time to say with Jonathan, Daniel, the three Hebrew children, the Apostle Paul, and the songwriter, "I am determined, I’ve made up my mind – I’ll serve the Lord!"
This is beautiful! How these truths have blessed my soul.
And you are determined to be a true writer for the Lord our God.
Be careful with those hands...
they are a powerful instrument.
This was beautiful!
Truly the Lord has spoken to us through your hands Sister Kinney.
Thank you for blessing my soul.
Everyone should read this.
Thank you for such a beautiful article. It's truth.
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