Thursday, February 05, 2009

Will He Find Faith?

“Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Most of my adult life, I relegated this Scripture to the Rapture of the church. Considering it to be a revealing glimpse of the pathos and yearning in the heart of Jesus for a group of people who would believe and have faith in Him during this last and evil generation, I pledged in prayer that He would find faith on this earth, and by that I meant in me. But I’ve seen this verse in a new light; one that expands my horizons and brings fresh excitement and enthusiasm for His wonderful plan.

When Jesus came the first time, robbing Himself in flesh and exchanging His heavenly throne for an animal’s feeding trough – He found faith. There was Mary, who stepped out onto her faith, saying, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) There was Elizabeth, who, pregnant herself, bore witness that Mary was “the mother of my Lord.” (Luke 1:43) There was Joseph, who listened to the word of the Lord and obeyed His commands to the letter. There were wise men from the east, who came seeking the newborn King. There were shepherds who believed the message of the angels and came to find the young child. There was Simeon, who believed the word of the Lord which said he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Christ and who had the faith to recognize Him in the temple. And there was Anna who was abiding in the temple and came to give glory and praise to God. Ah yes, when He came the first time – He found faith.

Furthermore, I have seen the church in action – I have watched the gospel message heal the broken-hearted and give sight to the blind, physically and spiritually. I have gazed in wonder at the Holy Ghost filling a life with joy, peace and His abiding presence. Every time I see or hear of a soul being baptized in His precious Name for the remission of their sins, I recognize that the seeds of faith are still alive and doing their holy work in the hearts of men all around the world. Ah yes, when He comes for His church – there will be faith on the earth.

But what about when He comes into your daily routine? What about when He passes by your pew as His Spirit moves in the sanctuary? Does He find a faith-filled response? What about when the Spirit is moving and a soul near you is reaching out to Jesus – do you allow them to struggle on alone, or are you sensitive enough to pray for and with them right then? What about when the hungry soul at school or on the job asks you a question about the Kingdom or about your faith, does He find a faith-filled response? Does your life focus all attention toward Jesus? Does your testimony ring true? Jesus cares about little children, the lost, the grieving, widows and orphans, the destitute, the lonely. Is your compassion like His compassion? Are your hands an extension of His hands?

I submit to you that He doesn’t only come on special occasions, like Christmas or the Rapture. He comes every day, in multiple ways – and He is always seeking a faith-filled response!

Abraham was called the father of the faithful because he stepped out of his routine and into the realm of promise. Mary’s faith was demonstrated by her submission to the Word. Simeon’s faith was revealed by his watchfulness. In each case, He came… Oh, may we hear His heart’s cry! When He comes to your earth [situation] will He find faith?

By Marjorie Kinnee

1 comment:

GT said...

He is indeed looking for faith isnt He?