Friday, April 21, 2006

Your Best Earthly Friend ...

We all think of our friends when we want to celebrate a victory or a narrow escape and anyone who saves your life must surely be a friend. A friend is there when everyone else is against you. You can tell your secrets and innermost thoughts to a trusted friend and they can be counted on to give you wise counsel and keep private matters private. What about someone who keeps a cool head in times of struggle and helps you deal with your difficulties in a wise way? Would you count them as a friend? Are they your friend if they tell you the truth and then help you find a way to correct your errors and mistakes? The Bible says, “a friend loveth at all times ;" (Proverbs 17:17) and that’s a tall order because between you and me, I, for one, am not always lovable.

Of course, the Lord Jesus Christ is the best Friend we could ever have. But what if there were someone with skin on, someone who fills all the points listed in the first paragraph – what if all these good things were rolled up into one person! Think about it! Wouldn’t you think that would be one very special human friend? Would you like me to introduce you to such a person? I can! It’s the man who watches out for your soul, the one who teaches the truth, not out of his own ideas or theories, but straight out of the Word of God – your pastor!

The Apostle Paul says, “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine.” (I Timothy 5:17)

Pastors come in all shapes, sizes, skin colors and ages. Some are gifted preachers, some are inclined to teach, some sing and play an instrument, some can’t carry a tune in a bucket, some are the quiet, observant type, some are the life of the party, some wield the sword of the Spirit with great skill and precision, some are blunt and quick, some are like fierce warriors, some are like a kindly grandpa, some are young and learning as they go, some are great administrators, some are wise delegaters. But the common denominator is their care for the flock of God as a whole – and for the individual souls in their charge. Preaching the Word without deviation and without fear or favor is the balance in which all ministry must be weighed.

The Book of Acts depicts pastors who were led by the Spirit. They taught the Word, lived the Word, held fast to the Word, counselled from the Word and studied the Word. Everything they did in word and deed, was done in the Name of Jesus. (Acts 4:12; Colossians 3:17) Apostolic pastors were required to be faithful. They were to give themselves to prayer and fasting and the study and ministry of the Word. (Acts 6:4; II Timothy 2:15)

Moreover, who can count the worth of the prayers of the man of God? To know that he is bearing your need before the Lord in prayer is valuable indeed. The Apostle James tells us, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)

In speaking of their rabbis, the Jews emphasize the importance of having objective counsel. This is a sound concept. For when we are caught up in the moment and cannot see clearly because we're emotionally involved with our own will and desires, objective counsel from one who is able to see the picture from an eternal perspective is priceless. Heeding that counsel is wisdom.

There is coming a day when we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account for all we’ve done. No other earthly friend can stand with us on that day – not wife or husband, not child or parent, not mentor or teacher – only this God-given "friend" who had the responsibility of teaching us the truth and watching for our souls in life. We are told that he will give an account and that we should pray that he “may do it with joy and not with grief.” (See Hebrews 13:16-17.)

Learn to value your pastor as God’s gift, “I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” (Jeremiah 3:15) Your pastor’s friendship is strong and true, one that will stand with you through this life and beyond – when all other human friendships cannot. “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.” (Hebrews 13:7)

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